Now that we’ve got our values and our mission statement , it’s time to tap into our creative energy and make a mantra board. What’s a mantra board? It’s similar to a vision board but less of a future desired way of being and more of a return to what matters to us most.
I create monthly mantra phone backgrounds to act as a bit of guidance for the month, to get the next one sign up on my mailing list. You can check the archive for previous months.
This week I’ll be showing you how to use a program like Canva to create your own! Below are my steps, but in essence we’re looking for a blank slate to start with. Pick a size that suits your needs. Think about how you will want to use your mantra board. Will you want to print it out and pin it to your workspace wall? Or will you want to make it the lock screen on your phone so you can always check in with it on the go? There’s no wrong answer, you’ll just want to keep it in a place you’ll see regularly.
Alternatively, if you feel called to really play, I encourage you to get out a piece of paper and all your tools and create your mantra board with paint, magazine clippings, colored pencils, yarn, whatever feels right to you.
Launch your preferred digital editing program. I usually use Canva so I’ll be taking you through my suggested steps using their platform. Modify to use your preferred method.
Select from the “Create a Design” menu. If you’d like to make this formatted more for your phone, select create design >custom dimensions: 1080px x 1920px. If you want to print it out, I’d go with the “flyer” size.
Canva will make some suggestions for a template to use, surf through if you’re looking for some inspiration or keep it blank and follow your gut.
Select a text box and type in your mission statement. I find it’s a good starting point to get this on the page and see how it looks. Let your mission statement guide the creative process for the look and feel of the mantra board.
Think about what the mission statement means to you - are you inclined to have a beautiful vista as the background or maybe a bright, bold color? If you need a resource for free stock images take a look at Unsplash. There’s lots of beautiful imagery to choose from.
Layer in any additional imagery to better express what your mission means to you. Use the space as a collage, if you are so inclined, with a different image for each of the 3 pieces of your mission statement.
Find the right font for your mission statement. It might need a softer touch or a bold, impactful font to get your message across.
Remember, embrace a done is better than perfect mentality and don’t get too hung up in the details of making it “just right.” Make sure it resonates with you.
When you’re finished, download the design and save it to your preferred device, and print out if you’d like.
Revisit as you change and evolve. You can always tap back in and make changes as you notice changes in what you believe in or stand for.
I hope this has been a fun and creative adventure for you! I hope you’ll share this with a friend who might also want some foundational guidance for the year ahead.