My story might sound a little like yours.
I grew up fueled by my creativity - creating characters, painting, drawing, baking, pretending I was hosting SNL into the mirror.
I took violin lessons, dance classes, and finally joined a theater program, where I felt like I really hit my mark.
I thought I found my true “thing” - being on stage and performing for people. I followed my passion of acting to theater school and then improv school, where I performed or practiced most nights of the week. Honing my craft and immersing myself in community. And then, it ended.
I realized, for one of the first times in my life, I didn’t know what to do next. Performing and creating were such a huge part of my identity, I didn’t know who I really was. Not knowing where to start, I decided to throw myself in to my day job and made some choices that left performing and creating always at the bottom of my list. A few years later, I was burnt out, frustrated, and always second guessing myself.
I lost my creative spark. I lost my sense of direction. I lost me.
On a late-night scroll-to-feel something session, I happened to come across a crafter with a podcast that in hindsight opened so many mental doors for me. I heard stories from creators running businesses, crafters following whims, coaches asking big questions, and Multipotentialites - people who are drawn to many creative pursuits. This concept helped me release the pressure of trying to find the “thing” I’m good at and recognize it’s creativity that I’m passionate about, in all shapes and forms. I could give myself permission to try many things, no strings or expectations attached. Wow, that’s pretty fun.
To me, creativity and authenticity are linked.
When we honor our creative self, our authentic self shines through and vice versa. Maybe it feels like it’s been awhile since you felt that creative buzz. You left your passions on the porch when life demanded more of your attention. It feels like that side of you is so far removed from the you here today. So how do you re-ignite the inner creative fire within you? By getting to know the real you.