How do I value myself?

This month, I’ve chosen the mantra, “I value myself,” to use as a guiding light. In fact, I make monthly mantra downloads each month and the February one is available here. I wrote a little about what I value myself might mean in my newsletter, but I want to dig a little deeper here. I was drawn to I value myself this month because I think a strong set of values can really help answer some of the big or small questions we work through each day. If you’re looking for more clarity on your values, take a look here for a few things I have written already. 

With that said, think back to your values. Were any of them about you only? It’s a wonderful thing to know we value spontaneity over organization, but what about the deeper piece? Are we actually valuing others over ourselves? I invite you to try on a quick practice to tap in with your deeper desires. 

  • Find a quiet space with a comfortable seat.

  • Set a timer for 5 minutes

  • Take a few deep, cleansing breaths. Really arrive in your body. Let your thoughts pass by, don’t dwell on what your mind is pushing to the surface. Stay present with your breathing. 

  • Ask yourself these questions 

    • How do I value myself? 

    • How am I valuing myself this week?

    • How have I valued myself so far this year/this month?

  • Try to stay in your body and listen to the answers your inner self offers. 

  • When the timer is up, it might be helpful to write down what came up or to journal about your experience. 

Now I’ll ask, what came up for you? Will you make a change to any of your daily habits with this information? How will you continue to stay connected to valuing yourself over the next few days or weeks? What does it mean to value yourself?

How do I value myself?