1. Gather materials to use - A journal, an art pad, craft paper, some kind of paper you can freely doodle on. Writing instruments - pens, markers, colored pencils, washi tape, paints - possibilities are endless
2. Pull a Prompt - Grab a deck of your favorite oracle cards, tarot cards, a dictionary, piece of mail - something with written words on it. If using a deck, shuffle and pull a card like you would for a reading. Breath and center yourself. If using a book or other material - flip to a random page and point to a word. This is your prompt.
3. Add the word to your journal page - keep the card close by for reference, or write the word out as it speaks to you.
4. Start to express with your materials what comes up for you - does this word invoke tight blue circles, or jagged red lines? Let the word guide your hand as you draw, doodle, paint or etch.
5. Share your creation - What comes up when you look at your work? Is it something you want to keep on your bulletin board or on the fridge? Or maybe share a snap of it on Instagram to show your friends.
6. Rinse and Repeat - try this process again with different materials or mediums, try it on for a week to see what comes up!